Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Unknown Facts about Mars

Do you know Mars? Ya, It’s a planet, one of planet in our solar system. Everyone knows about this planet generally. For the example, everyone knows Mars as Red Planet, right? Or they know that Mars is the fourth closest planet to the sun. They don’t know more specific about Mars. In this article, I will talk about some facts about mars that you don’t know before. You will get new information. Check this out guys.

Oke let me start, first is one of Mars' moons, Phobos, is moving closer and closer to Mars. Scientists think that one day it will crash into Mars. Second, Mars is believed to have had water flowing around it like Earth once. It may have had a blue sky too. However, it is unlikely that it had grass, trees and plants like Earth has now. Third, Mars has the tallest Volcano in the Solar System named Olympus Mons and it is 15 miles high which is three times of the height of Mount Everest.

It’s very interesting to talk about Mars more. So that’s why I write this article. I read some article from the internet as my references. If you want to know more about this, you can read in here. It’s useful for you that want to know about Mars because it’s give much information and it’s an interesting website I think.

Posted by : Dessy Oktavia


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